Saturday, February 27, 2010

At Ten-Ten's House

Ok, here's the scoop: I stayed at my friend Tenny's house last night. This is what we talked about the whole time:

Tenny: ducky.
Meghan: ducky.
Tenny: "Rubber ducky, your the one.....!"
Meghan: "That makes bath time lots of fun!"
*both giggle*
Tenny: Monkey took my wallet.
Meghan: Yes I'm a natural blue.
*both giggle*
Tenny: *fake sneeze*
Meghan: What was that?!
Tenny: *looks a Meghan innocently*
Meghan: THIS is how you do it.
Meghan: *fake sneezes*
*both giggle*
Tenny: *snores*
Meghan: Give me a break!
Tenny: *loudly snores. Unable to contain giggles bursts into laughter*
Meghan: That is waht I thought. *giggles*
*both giggle till asleep*

There was accually more stuff in between, but not only would I not want to write it all, but you probly won't read it all if I did. Also, who could remember 2 hours worth of stuff anyway? *giggle*

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Here's the scoop, I am so obsessed with Egypt I have watch The Prince of Egypt right around 15 times, and the #1 place I want to go when I grow up is to the Egyptian museum in Cairo. Here are some cool pics of Egyptian gods:

From left to right: Geb, Sekhamet, Nut, Nekhabet, Bastet, Isis.
If you want to find out more about them, use Google. If you want copies of these pics, give me your e-mail and I will e-mail them to you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ok, here's the scoop! I have three little kittens, and they all have there little quirks! The littlest one is Tigger:

(He may be the littlest, but he is also the bravest!) Tigger is the one that when you go out side to give the kittens their food, he is circling underneath the bowl you have in your hand! Next is Socks:
(Socks still isn't quite sure what to make of us yet!) Socks is the one that when you go out side to give the kittens their food, he's peeking around the corner, waiting for you to go away. Next is Jasper:
(This is his world-famous glare that everyone knows him by!) Jasper is the one that even if you even look like you are going to open the door, he is out like a shot. Even after you put out his food, he has to sneak up on it. Here is a couple of pics of the kittens:
No matter what is going on, Socks will go to sleep.
Even Jasper will do anything for a full bowl of food!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blogging Time!

Hey everyone! I have finally convinced my mom to let me get a blog! I am SO excited! Now I get to hang out with all of you guys in blogger world that A: I don't see very often and B: that might not do Facebook. Here are a list of reasons that it would be fun to do a blog (for those parents who's kids are begging them to have a blog, here is a little incentive!):

  1. I get to write a really long status!
  2. I get to post stories that I have recently written that I would like to see what everyone thinks about it.
Um, that isn't really much of a list is it? Oh well, you get the point! Bye you guys! Hope you enjoy my blog that I really, really hope isn't too tedious! THX!