Saturday, February 27, 2010

At Ten-Ten's House

Ok, here's the scoop: I stayed at my friend Tenny's house last night. This is what we talked about the whole time:

Tenny: ducky.
Meghan: ducky.
Tenny: "Rubber ducky, your the one.....!"
Meghan: "That makes bath time lots of fun!"
*both giggle*
Tenny: Monkey took my wallet.
Meghan: Yes I'm a natural blue.
*both giggle*
Tenny: *fake sneeze*
Meghan: What was that?!
Tenny: *looks a Meghan innocently*
Meghan: THIS is how you do it.
Meghan: *fake sneezes*
*both giggle*
Tenny: *snores*
Meghan: Give me a break!
Tenny: *loudly snores. Unable to contain giggles bursts into laughter*
Meghan: That is waht I thought. *giggles*
*both giggle till asleep*

There was accually more stuff in between, but not only would I not want to write it all, but you probly won't read it all if I did. Also, who could remember 2 hours worth of stuff anyway? *giggle*


Emily said...

You crack me up Meghan!

Anna Celeste said...